Workshop: Yvon Chabrowski – Faces

a research and performance project by Yvon Chabrowski

May 2018

Facial recognition systems can be neither seen nor felt, tasted nor smelled. They are invisible yet present. Institutions and companies want to capture our faces to assign gender, origin, health, emotion, and potential to both them and us. When is your face in the focus of a camera or part of an algorithm? What is recognized? What should be recognized and why?
In the workshop Faces, which takes place in the context of the exhibition Territory, a group of ten participants investigates every day individual experiences as well as current and historical techniques of facial recognition, to render these experiences tangible through means of performance. How do facial recognition systems define the territories we live in? The joint researches serve as material for a joint performance, to which the participants are invited and which takes place during the finissage within the framework of Territory.

workshop dates
Tuesday May 8th, 6 to 9 pm at uqbar
Wednesday May 9th, 6 to 9 pm at uqbar
Tuesday May 15th, 6 to 9 pm at uqbar
Wednesday May 16th, 6 to 9 pm at uqbar
Saturday May 26th, 12 to 2 pm at uqbar
Finissage Sunday May 27th, from 4 pm

workshop coordination
Laura Seidel
please contact: