festival arte Contemporanea

23rd - 25th May 2008, Faenza, Italy
uqbar is partner of the festival dell'arte contemporanea di Faenza, taking place for the first time this year from 23rd to 25th of may in Faenza, near Bologna, Italy.


With the profusion of exhibitions, openings, shows and biennial exhibitions, we need a moment for reflection, and a space where we can stop and deal with, ask ourselves and understand what is happening.
With this in mind, Faenza has launched the international Festival of contemporary art Futuro Presente / Present Continuous, which will take place from 23 – 25 May 2008. Three days will be dedicated to the near future of contemporary art, as told by curators, artists and professionals.
The festival will host national and international guests, together with the scientific committee of the event, made up of Angela Vettese, director of the Municipal Gallery of Modena, Carlos Basualdo, curator of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, and Pier Luigi Sacco, the scientific director of goodwill and of the strategic plan for the cultural district of Faenza. Together these people will guide the public in the discovery of the secrets of contemporary art, and its future trends, by talking about “what it is going to be rather than what it is now, at a time when the art system is evolving and growing at an almost unsustainable pace”, explains Pier Luigi Sacco.

With an innovative format, Futuro Presente / Present Continuous was founded as a result of the need to revive the voice of contemporary art. For this reason it has been conceived as a Festival of words, for a moment of reflection on the themes and with the leading figures of the world of art, rather than adding to the profusion of important exhibitions that are currently packed into the international calendar of contemporary art.
“Discussion is essential in the field of contemporary art”, says Angela Vettese, “because it is not only something which inspires workers, but also a useful and necessary means of drawing in the swarms of enthusiasts who are increasingly coming into contact with art, precisely because of the difficulty of understanding the issues linked to contemporary art. The talks which will take place during the Festival of Faenza aim to provide a response to this growing curiosity from the general public and the media”.
The three days in May will be enlivened with meetings, seminars, presentations, debates and workshops for students, as well as other events promoted by the all city.

Futuro Presente / Present Continuous will provide an opportunity for meetings and debates in order to understand contemporary art and its potential developments, as well as to get to know the treasures of an area which has concentrated on culture. “Faenza”, explains Pier Luigi Sacco, “is taking a risk. It aims to construct a new development model which truly focuses on culture and which is aimed at everyone. This should become a fundamental, acknowledged element of the quality of everyday life. The Festival is not taking place in this city by chance, but it is a starting point for opening dialogue with other areas that have lots of experience and energy, in the belief that they can establish bonds which will strengthen with time and provide this city with long-lasting results”.


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