Romana Schmalisch - Mobile Cinema Tour

a lecture/screening performance
28.1.  National Centre for Contemporary Arts *NCCA* — Kaliningrad
30.1.  Contemporary Art Centre *CAC* — Vilnius
31.1.  Devil Museum — Kaunas
26.2.  Centre for Contemporary Art at Ujazdowski Castle — Warsaw

A tour on the occasion of

Transient Spaces - An Introduction
Artists      Eléonore de Montesquiou, J&K, Romana Schmalisch

An exhibition within the frame of the contemporary art festival KaunasInArt
curated by Marina Sorbello and Antje Weitzel
December 12, 2008 – January 31, 2009
Gallery Meno parkas, Rotušės a. 27, Kaunas, Lithuania

“Mobile Cinema”, on show  at Gallery Meno Parkas in Kaunas, is an apparatus that unites experimental lecturing and moving to  different places. To be more concrete: it is a reconstruction of a film prop from Alexander Medvedkin’s film “The New Moscow” (1938): a projection and viewing table where an engineer on his journey to Moscow presents his designs and urban visions for the new city – a bizarre model that is somewhere between urban model, cinema, and plate camera.
Similar to the engineer in the film, the artist plans to travel to various places with the “Mobile Cinema” and to present some of her films and filmic research on urban space and urban visions, among them a filmic collage of many of her own films as well as filmic materials not previously used. The film clips address in different ways the changes of urban space and the social changes that come with them.
On its first tour, the “Mobile Cinema” will travel to Vilnius, Kaunas, Kaliningrad and Warsaw. The artist will present in a lecture/screening performance independent sequences like “The theatre and the small spectacle”, “The model and the city in Soviet film”, “Views of remote countries/A visual archive”, and “A view into space” with texts by Esther Buss, Clemens Krümmel, Megan Sullivan, Marina Vishmidt and a song by Angie Reed.